Showing all 4 results

GECDSB Roseland and Glenwood Additions Project No. 2449

The Board invites Pre-qualified Vendors of Record for General Contractor Services to Bid for the supply of all labour, materials, equipment and services required for the completion of Roseland PS &Glenwood PS – Additions in accordance with the drawings and specifications prepared by Architecttura Inc., Architects.

Please note both schools will need to be broken out separately.  Also please note the bid form requires pricing breakdowns as well as Separate Price R1, R2, R3, R4, R5, R6, Separate Price G1, G2, G3, G4, G5, and G6.

Please provide lead letter for your scope as well as all of the separate pricing 24 hours in advance of the closing time.

LCBO Store # 371Exterior Upgrades – addendum 1

This Request for Quotation (the “RFQ”) is an invitation by the LCBO to prospective bidders to submit a bid to supply construction labour and materials for exterior upgrade with minor interior painting at existing LCBO store 371, in Mississauga, Ontario with an approximate square footage of 11,500 as per enclosed drawings and specifications.

Estimated Project start date: To be determined with the selected bidder.

Estimated Project end date: March 31, 2025.

addendum #1 posted 02/04/2025 ⇒Addendum 1

Town of Tecumseh Lakewood Park Upgrades – Addendum #1, #2, #3, #4, #5, #6, #7

The Town of Tecumseh is seeking proposals from qualified and experienced Contractors to provide washroom building facility, splash pad, bocce court, gazebo, and surrounding hard surface area at  Lakewood Park, 13451 Riverside Dr. East. in the Town of Tecumseh. Work shall include associated appurtenances buildings, hard surfaces, sewer and drainage work watermain. The work to be carried out shall include the furnishing of all labour, supervision, plant and materials necessary to carry out the specifications described hereinafter or as may otherwise be directed by the Engineer for the project.

Addendum #1 – Jan. 6/25

Addendum #2 – Jan. 15/25

Addendum #3 – Jan. 15/25

Addendum #4 – Jan. 31/25

Addendum #5 – Jan. 31/25

Addendum #6 – Feb. 03/25

Addendum #6 rev1 – Feb. 13/25

Addendum #7 – Feb. 11/25