The scope of this project is to complete the demolition and interior renovations of a portion of the existing area of the Second Floor area which currently contain the former Warden’s Office suite, a number of existing large meeting rooms, men’s and women’s washrooms and small area of existing offices in the southeast corner of the second floor. Abatement of the entire scope of work area is to be included as part of this base bid with all identified materials listed in the provided DSS report (in tender documents) to be removed and disposed of. All existing construction will be required to be removed and replaced with new including all mechanical and electrical work as indicated on the tender drawings. New flooring, ceilings, wall partitions, interior doors and washroom fixtures are required throughout the renovated area as shown on the drawings. Existing hoarding that the Owner has stored on site from previous renovations is to be erected as shown on the tender demolition drawings by the successful bidder’s forces around the scope of work area. The general contractor will need to take a phased approach to complete the entire scope of work as access will be required to be maintained to the suite across the corridor (Corridor – Rm. 221 on architectural floor plans) throughout the construction period. The majority of the scope of work can be completed with this entire Corridor hoarded off with the exception being the northmost end which is to have the hoarding erected so access to the suite across the corridor (ERCA occupied suite) can have access through the door towards at the north end. This part of the corridor can then be completed (flooring, drywall, sliding door installation, electrical, etc.) when the rest of the corridor is completed and access to the ERCA suite can be provided from the south stair entry point. This situation should be considered in terms of cost and timing by the General Contractor with their base bid submissions. Another condition Bidders should be aware of is that the service elevator in the building does not extend to the second floor. Large items or materials needed to be take to the second floor scope of work area will need to be manually carried to the second floor by way of the south stair (entry) (which will be dedicated as a Contractor’s Access point for this work) or the Contractor could use lift machinery outside of the building to lift materials to an exterior window location in the scope of work area, carefully remove the glazing unit and move material through the improvised opening. Any labour, equipment or material costs potentially associated with moving material to the second
floor for this work is to be accounted for by bidders and included in their base bid pricing.
Addendum #1 dated Jan. 02/25
Addendum #2 dated Jan. 03/25
Addendum #3 dated Jan. 07/25
Addendum #4 dated Jan. 09/25
Addendum #5 dated Jan. 15/25
Addendum #6 dated Jan. 16/25
Addendum #6 dated Jan. 17/25